Emotional Therapy

Emotional Therapy is a therapy that integrates the three most important areas of an individual, spiritual, physical and mental.

Emotional Therapy focuses on the individual as a “whole.” Consider the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects to guide you in your transformation process. It uses evidence-based treatments and a comprehensive structure tailored to the unique needs of each individual.

The combined methods and/or individually to be able to provide the most appropriate work strategy for the individual are the ones mentioned here:

Deep Listening: Listening method using all the senses. The therapist not only focuses on the individual but also shows the connection through verbal and non-verbal signs.

Conscious Breathing: Method that helps you connect with your interior to quiet your mind, improve body health and learn to manage emotions.

Opening of energy channels: I use the energy emitted by my hands to open energy channels of communication with our superior guides.

Ancestral connection: Connection with ancestors from other planes to heal traumas / blockages.

Mindfulness: Practice the conscious act of bringing our mind to the present moment to observe emotions and feelings that are being experienced and accept them without judging them.

Through holistic guiding you will obtain numerous physical, mental and spiritual benefits. You will be able to connect with your inner power and thus manifest the life you have always wanted to live; enjoying the present moment and taking control over your mind and your emotions.

What to expect from a Emotional Therapy session?

A full hour

A full hour of session where the individual will have the opportunity to share the reason for their consultation and the desire or need to modify or transform disturbing emotions, actions and/or habits.

The most important area to be treated will be identified and the appropriate strategies will be used for each particular individual.



Mindfulness exercises, conscious breathing and attentive listening will be used in all sessions.

The other strategies mentioned above will be used as needed.

The duration of the program will be based on the needs of each individual. I recommend a follow-up of at least 4 sessions for optimal results; however, the importance and value of the benefit of individual sessions cannot be downplayed.


Mindfulness Coaching

Mindfulness coaching is a process that teaches individuals how to be mindful of their thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions, and accepting them as they are, without any judgment. 

You will obtain many positive benefits such as, increased kindness and self-compassion, greater focus and concentration, increased happiness and well-being, a stronger immune system, better sleep, and less stress, anxiety and depression.

The approach is based on the individual’s necessity, it might be emphasized on discipline or in a gentler and more fluid approach.

The techniques vary upon the client, it is not one size fits all. Some of these techniques could be open ended questions, guided meditations, guided visualizations, positive affirmations, and many others. Once you master your own practice you will live your life with the right balance and greater joy. 

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